What benefits could encapsulating my placenta have?
Placenta encapuslation can help improve energy, milk supply, healing and balance hormones.
Is encapsulating my placenta safe?
Most of the time, Yes! Unless you have or had a liver disease during pregnancy. GBS positive mommas may still encapsulate their placenta as well. If you have any other concerns about if placenta consumption is safe for you, feel free to reach out.
What methods do you use to encapsulate my placenta?
I can use the raw or steaming (Chinese) method or a 50/50 when processing your placenta.
What is placenta encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation is the dehydration, grinding and encapsulation of the placenta to be consumed by the mother of the baby born.
How big are the capsules?
I use size 00 vegetarian capsules.
What is a tincture?
A tincture is taking a small piece or a few capsules worth of your placenta and curing it in 80+ alcohol for 6-8 weeks.
Why should I do a tincture if I am already doing the pills?
Some moms still find benefit in having a tincture to take when they have finished with their capsules or to take when they either begin their menstrual cycle again postpartum or when they enter menopause. Mothers who have a baby girl may also choose to save their tincture for when their daughters begin their cycles to ease their PMS symptoms.
What is a salve?
A salve is a blend of infused oils, essential oils, beeswax, and placenta powder. Salves are great for diaper rash.
Do you still provide doula services?
I am currently providing doula services in very limited cases at this time as I am devoting my time to pursuing my journey to midwifery.